Reporting illegal content

Instructions for completing this form

Please use this form to report illegal content or violations of our terms and conditions under the EU Digital Services Act.


Contact information (optional)


email address

Reason for reporting the content:

(Please select one or more reasons)

Here you can specify the reason for your report and explain the legal grounds of your complaint. If the specific reason for your report is not listed in our given options, please select the option "Other" and explain your specific case in detail in the free text field provided.

Violation of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
Infringement of intellectual property rights (e.g. trademark, copyright, image rights)
Incorrect or incomplete information
Inappropriate content


Attach file (optional)

Drag & Drop or select a file
Supported file formats: jpg, doc, docx, pdf, png
Max. file size: 2MB
Release file here to add it to your application.


In the final step, please confirm that you are acting in good faith and that the information you have provided is correct and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief.

I hereby confirm that the information I have provided is correct and complete.